The LedLink LED can be used as a nightlight/powered-off indicator. The LED timeout can also be enabled/disabled by holding the power button while tapping (pressing and releasing quickly) the down button. Note that the lowest LED and the blue power LED are always on when the power is on. If SetOption86 is enabled, the LEDs turn off five seconds after the last change in brightness. SetOption86 enables/disables the LED timeout. More LEDs are turned on at higher brightnesses. If there are LEDs defined in the template, they are turned on to indicate the current brightness. If you then turn the light off and on again, the brightness will return to 80. If you turn the power off again and then press the down button, the light will be turned on at the brightness defined by the low preset. For example, if the light is on and you adjust the brightness to 80 and then turn the light off, when you turn it back on, the brightness will return to 80. Turning the power on to a preset does not change the brightness the light will be set to when the switch is turned on the next time. The brightness presets are intended to enable quickly turning on a light to a dim or bright level without changing the normal desired brightness. Turning the power on at the low preset can also be accomplished by holding the power button while the power is off. When the power is off, pressing and releasing the down or up button turns the power on at a temporary brightness of the low/high levels set by the BriPreset command. Releasing and then holding the power button again decreases the brightness. Initially, holding the power button increases the brightness. When the power is on, holding the power button alternately increases or decreases the brightness. The brightness can also be changed using just the power button. When the power is on, holding the down or up button decreases/increases the brightness. If Fade is enabled, the light is faded on/off at the rate defined by the Speed setting. If the toggle turns the power on, the light is returned to the last brightness it was set to. Pressing and releasing the power button toggles the power on/off. For single-button devices or multi-button devices with remote device mode enabled, only the operations controlled by the power button in the instructions below apply. The SD0x dimmer from Martin Jerry, Acenx, Tessan or NTONPOWER is an example of such a device.Īny other device with one or more buttons, such as any typical Tasmota-capable wall switch, can make use of the PWM Dimmer module to control the power, brightness and light channels of one or more device groups. They typically have power, up and down buttons, a powered-on LED, five brightness LEDs and another status LED.

The brightness of the load for PWM dimmers is controlled by a PWM GPIO pin. PWM Dimmer module adds support for PWM dimmer switches and devices with one or more buttons that control devices in a device group. To enable PWM dimmer operation, select the PWM Dimmer module. PWM dimmer is supported in standard tasmota.bin

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